Not to mention scratching your ear with a pistol! But since the game is based around the Rule of Fun, it can be assumed it was used for a joke, as such an action is clearly dangerous and stupid. This can also happen should you be in, but not driving, a moving vehicle, which is even more dangerous. Since if you fire while they are doing this and they will go back into a normal firing stance and fire, it can be assumed there is no safety on (or there possibly isn't one - Battlefield Heroes' setting is a silly World War II one). Battlefield Heroes: the National Army Soldier class characters inspecting their submachine guns should they be using it when you do not perform any abilities, move, or move the crosshair for a bit.

Again, in all other situations, you're free to point weapons and fire at them when you so choose. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Lampshaded: When the player points a gun at any member of his squad, the player character diverts the gun away from them.Not to mention, the enemies who attack with guns primarily have them pointed at you and if they use guns for a special attack are shown loading them. She does hold it up whenever she uses it to perform special attacks and probably has safety on anyways, since she doesn't immediately hold it up and fire. Tatjana attacks with a gun, but you see her pointing it down and away from her feet whenever she's not firing it or has it holstered. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, averted.

This is getting better and sometimes when it looks like they're holding it in one hand, they're actually not.